Mystery Blogger Award
I began blogging as a way of sharing photography advice and ideas with people. The content has evolved over time, to reflect various life changes which have taken place. Blogging offers a medium for self-expression, and when people say they enjoy reading the posts, or comment on content, it’s always lovely to connect.
I was recognised recently as ‘Featured Blogger of the Week’ on the #Blogstravaganza page, which meant a lot. Especially as the post which had caught the eye of the moderator was one on mental health, a topic close to my heart.
This week, I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award, by the lovely Jo, from Cup of Toast. Quoting from Okoto Enigma’s blog:
“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma
The rules are straightforward:
I tell you about the award (done – above),
I tell you three things about myself (see below),
And finally, I answer Jo’s questions (also below), then set some for my own award recipients (at the bottom of the post). I love the concept of this award, and hope you enjoy reading something a bit different.
Three things about me:
- I’m not keen on flying, or rollercoasters, but when I had the opportunity to participate in a parabolic flight, I leapt at the chance. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. Setting my fears aside, the adventurer and scientist appeared from within. I was in awe of the power of the aircraft which pulled such incredible manoeuvres over the Atlantic, creating a few moments of zero gravity for those on board. I sat in the cockpit for one of the parabolas, to witness the technique from the perspective of the pilots.
- I am a Trustee for Swindon and Gloucestershire Mind and did my Mental Health First Aid training as part of this role.

- One of my animal welfare portraits (below) was displayed at a vegan exhibition, and subsequently auctioned for a children’s charity at a televised event in Beijing.

Jo’s questions:
- If you chose a pseudonym what would it be and why?
Astro-Cat. This presents a combination of two of my great passions; space and cats. Perhaps a little unusual as a pseudonym but it fits my style.
- What is your party trick?
I’m terrible at parties. I don’t tend to go to many, and when I do, I do a good job of blending into the wall. Perhaps those who know me well would say I have a knack of spinning ridiculous, yet believable, stories while maintaining a completely straight face. Or just making comments which sound plausible but also far-fetched. Those who don’t know me struggle to work out whether I’m being serious, and are usually too polite to question what I’m saying. The most recent was my claim that my name is spelt with a silent P at the front, as in Pterodactyl. I explained that I tend not to write my name with the P, as people then mistakenly call me Pemma. And yes, the group I was talking to did believe me, and no, they didn’t know me very well.
- If you could be a fictional character who would you be and why?
I’d like to say Princess Leia as she’s led such an exciting life, rising against the Empire to lead the Resistance. I don’t recall ever seeing her fly an X-Wing though, and selecting a character out of Star Wars, I’d want to be an X-Wing pilot alongside whatever else I was known for. So I choose Ellen Ripley. Tough, uncompromising, brave, quick-witted …. and she went back for Jones.
- All-time favourite TV show?
I don’t watch much television, but there are a few shows I do look forward to. Unforgotten, The Tunnel, and The Walking Dead come to mind. My current all-time favourite is Game of Thrones. I’m looking forward to the final season, and also dreading it as I don’t want the show to end!
- If you could only take one photograph to a desert island, what would it be a picture of and why?
I’ll assume I’m going to be on the island for some time. So I would take a photo which was taken recently of my husband, our son, and me. We’re all smiling as we enjoy a birthday party (I really don’t go to many parties, but this was a child’s party and was great fun!) However far away, and however long I was away for, that picture which shows me with the two loves of my life would keep my spirits up.
My nominations for the Mystery Blogger Award go to:
Bonster and Chopster – Monster Voyage
If you choose to accept your award, the rules are:
- Tell your audience who nominated you;
- Tell your readers about the award;
- Say three things about yourself;
- Answer my questions below;
- Nominate your own recipients;
- Set your own questions for them
My questions to you:
- What items do you never travel without; why these things in particular? (List your top 5 if there are several!)
- If you could spend a day living as any creature on Earth, what would you be?
- What one question would you like to ask of somebody – dead or alive – and why this question to this person?
- If you had a chance to learn a new skill, what would you choose and why?
- Which film could you watch many times without growing tired of it?
Thanks for reading, and to the new nominees – enjoy writing if you decide to join in!
I wish you lots of luck in this competition Emma. Your blogs are fascinating and your photography is amazing. I haven’t known you for very long, as my new neighbour, but already I know that you are a really lovely, caring person. You deserve all the good things that life can give you.
Thank you for such kind words. I’m really pleased that you enjoy reading the posts, and looking at the pictures. As for neighbours … one of the biggest stresses when moving home is wondering what the new neighbours will be like. We needn’t have worried; we’ve gone from one set of wonderful next door friends to a new and wonderful next door friend. Good neighbours really are worth their weight in gold and we know we’re very lucky to have you as both a neighbour and a friend.
What a lovely read xxx #Blogstravaganza
Thank you for reading. It was fun to be involved in! xxx #Blogstravaganza
I really enjoyed this. You did well in facing your fears. I like the description about blending into the walls, I relate to so much. X #Blogstravaganza
Thank you for reading and I’m pleased you enjoyed it. Facing fears is difficult, but it was such an incredible opportunity I had to take it. People watching (blending into walls) is a favourite pastime! X #Blogstravaganza
Glad you enjoyed taking part! Pemma is going to have me chuckling for a while 😉 xx thank you for linking up with #Blogstravaganza 🙂